【第一篇】 1.you are the sun in my heart but it began to rain; you are the moon in my dream but it was obscured by clouds; you are the most beautiful flower in my heart but held; you are the goddess of the moon in the sky will fall to the earth unfortunately in the face of first the...... 你是我心中的太阳可惜下雨了;你是我梦中的月亮可惜被云遮住了;你是我心中最美的花朵可惜开过了;你是天上的嫦娥降临人间可惜脸先着地了…… 2.. your quality such as plum general staunch; my character like a glacier and refined; you have admirable connotation; you have let people dump of cool; and we respectfully call you Meichuan underpants was! 你的品质如梅花一般刚烈;我的性格像冰川一样蕴藉;你有令人折服的内涵;你有让人倾倒的酷;于是我们尊称您为“梅川内酷”! 3.. yesterday I dreamed of you really the sky is so Mingjing sunshine is so beautiful the sea is so boundless you stand on the blue sea I take small stick a poke you hey this is small bastard case is quite hard. 昨天我梦见你了真的天空是那么明静阳光是那么明媚大海是那么一望无垠你站在蔚蓝的海边我拿小棍一*嘿这小王八壳还挺硬! 4.. the day I saw you in the supermarket! You secretly reached barcode scanner and the screen display: yuan pig's trotters. Do you think the machine is broken and leaned over to look at the screen display PigHead meat yuan! 那天我看见你了在超市!你偷偷的把手伸到条码扫描器上只见屏幕显示:猪蹄元。你认为机器坏了把脸凑过去看屏幕显示猪头肉元! 5.. It is just a gust of wind worth mentioning but why is so eternal just a dream why is so real you do not bow to the phrase but I can not calm I finally couldn't help to say to you: next time you fart say! 仅仅是一阵风也罢了偏偏是这样永恒仅仅是一场梦也罢了偏偏是如斯真实你低头不语我却难以平静我终于禁不住要对你说:下次放屁时说一声! 6.. In my eyes you will always be looked carefree and eating with relish is always sleep is always Hanran sleep…… I really envy you know Oh! Sometimes think as you do so pigs are very good! 在我眼里,你看上去永远是无忧无虑,吃饭永远是津津有味,睡觉永远是酣然入睡……我真羡慕你呀,唉!有时候想想,像你那样做头猪也挺好的! 7.In my eyes, you will always be looked carefree, and eating with relishis always, sleep is always Hanran sleep…… I really envy you know, Oh! Sometimes think, as you do so pigs are very good! 在我眼里,你看上去永远是无忧无虑,吃饭永远是津津有味,睡觉永远是酣然入睡……我真羡慕你呀,唉!有时候想想,像你那样做头猪也挺好的! 8.If a mistake was Ptty, I have make a big mistake if the crime is a smart, I have committed heinouscrimes, Zhennan life! But you Jiuhaola both right dead crimes, really envy you! 如果长得漂亮是一种错,我已经铸成大错;如果聪明是一种罪,我已经犯下滔天大罪,做人真难!但你就好啦,既没错又没罪,真羡慕你! 9.Because of you, I believe in fate, perhaps all this are doomed to heaven, having a Mianmianzhizhong traction. Now I want to say is that I Shangbeizi. what is built Nie ah?! 因为你,我相信命运的安排,也许这一切都是上天注定,冥冥之中牵引着我俩。现在的我想说的是~~我上辈子是造了什么孽啊?!s Hanran sleep…… I really envy you know, Oh! Sometimes think, as you do so pigs are very good! 在我眼里,你看上去永远是无忧无虑,吃饭永远是津津有味,睡觉永远是酣然入睡……我真羡慕你呀,唉!有时候想想,像你那样做头猪也挺好的! 10.If a mistake was Ptty, I have make a big mistake if the crime is a smart, I have committed heinouscrimes, Zhennan life! But you Jiuhaola both right dead crimes, really envy you! 如果长得漂亮是一种错,我已经铸成大错;如果聪明是一种罪,我已经犯下滔天大罪,做人真难!但你就好啦,既没错又没罪,真羡慕你! 11.Because of you, I believe in fate, perhaps all this are doomed to heaven, having a Mianmianzhizhong traction. Now I want to say is that I Shangbeizi. what is built Nie ah?! 因为你,我相信命运的安排,也许这一切都是上天注定,冥冥之中牵引着我俩。现在的我想说的是~~我上辈子是造了什么孽啊?! 12.Also known as the bricks and mortar boards infants bricks, the old Beijing is the most characteristic of the cultural heritageof one of a lethal strong, and easy-to-carry concealed, not weapons, and other characteristics,…… shoot you use the most appropriate! 砖头又称板儿砖,是老北京最有特点的文化遗产之一,具有杀伤力强,易于携带隐蔽性高,不算凶器等多种特点,所以……拍你用它最合适! 13.Psychological test: If you and the cowardrace, you want to: 1 you run fast; as fast; you coward slower than… answer: you than beasts also a beastyou are beasts; beast than you! Happy April Fool's Day! 心理测试:如果你和狗熊赛跑,你希望:1你跑得快;2一样快;3你比狗熊慢…答案:1你比禽兽还禽兽;2你就是禽兽;3你禽兽不如!愚人节快乐! 14.Notice: AprilFool's Day approaching, on April 1 you receive text messages are bogus, meaning exactly opposite, please pay attention. Following is the first: You are handsome styles Yushulinfeng beauty of the blossoming devilbuild lover! 通告:愚人节来临,4月1日您收到的短信均为假的,意思正好截然相反,敬请留意。以下是第一条:您是英俊潇洒玉树临风貌美如花魔鬼身材的大众情人! 15.Shaceng said: I have 16 change! Journey said: I have 32 change! Wukong said: I am 72 changed! In his Tang Seng: Nishi on the treatment, you change a phone call, I saw how other people look at monsters with phone messages? Happy April Fool's Day! 沙僧说:我有16变!八戒说:我有32变!悟空说:我有72变!唐僧大怒:西天路上也没见你们变个电话,看人家妖怪都拿手机看短信呢!愚人节快乐! 16.After dinner seven Commandment: I quit smoking, quit immediatelyeat two fruits, three ring relaxedbelt, the four immediately quit drinking, Wujiebaibu walk, bathe immediately quit six, seven quit immediately to sleep! Journey: Remember? 饭后七戒:一戒吸烟,二戒马上吃水果,三戒放松裤带,四戒立即喝茶,五戒百步走,六戒立即洗澡,七戒立即睡觉!八戒:记住了吗? 【第二篇】 1.My love, you take my breath away. What have you stepped in to smell this way? 爱人啊,你简直让我窒息, 你在哪沾上的一身臭气? 2.I want to feel your sweet embrace; But don’t take that paper bag off your face. Some people see you today, you still as charming, wearing a checked vest, Manyouyou to walk, a detached look comfortable, it is lovely to that. You really do not know how that is Saiguo rabbit? 今天有人看见你了,你还是那样迷人,穿着格子背心,慢悠悠地走着,一副超然自在的样子,实在是可爱极了。真不知你当年是怎么赛过兔子的? 3.You stand in the crowd were white from the wind and the long hair, as the most beautiful melodies world, in my mind Zhou, I want to say: You have to drop a wig…… But today AprilFool's Day! 你站在人群中,被柔柔的风吹起的长发,像人间最美的旋律,在我心头久久回荡,使我想说:你的假发要掉了……今天可是愚人节哦! 4.You find one you love deservesthe love, I not understand you and your feelings, I know that some things can not reluctantly, not some distance beyond, like yesterday, I could not believe that in order to root bones tell people you go! 你去找一个值得你爱的去爱,我不够了解你和你的感情,我知道有些事无法勉强,有些距离无法超越,就像昨天我无法相信,为了根骨头你就跟人跑了! 5.Toads pursuitof swans, swan disdain said: If I as long as you die! HAMA against: the pig also live good? After listening to pigs, feel aggrieved: I just look at messages, I move Sheire Who? 癞*追求天鹅,天鹅不屑地说:我要是长成你这样早去死了!*不服:那猪还活得好好的呢!猪听了,觉得很委屈:我只是在看短信,我招谁惹谁了? 6.If you look ugly, call 110 if you build well, call 120 if you temper bad, call 119 if you feel beautiful, call my cell phone and elaborated…… 如果你长得难看,请打110;如果你身材不好,请打120;如果你脾气不好,请打119;如果你觉得自己漂亮,请打我手机,详谈…… 我渴望你温柔的拥抱, 但别把你脸上的面具摘掉。 7.I thought that I could love no other –that is until I met your brother. 曾以为一生只爱你一个, 直到遇见你的二表哥。 8.Because of you, I believe in fate, perhaps all this are doomed to heaven, having a Mianmianzhizhong traction. Now I want to say is that I Shangbeizi. what is built Nie ah?! 因为你,我相信命运的安排,也许这一切都是上天注定,冥冥之中牵引着我俩。现在的我想说的是……我上辈子是造了什么孽啊?!” 9.Also known as the bricks and mortar boards infants bricks, the old Beijing is the most characteristic of the cultural heritageof one of a lethal strong, and easy-to-carry concealed, not weapons, and other characteristics,…… shoot you use the most appropriate! 砖头又称板儿砖,是老北京最有特点的文化遗产之一,具有杀伤力强,易于携带隐蔽性高,不算凶器等多种特点,所以……拍你用它最合适! 10.Psychological test: If you and the cowardrace, you want to: 1 you run fast; as fast; you coward slower than… answer: you than beasts also a beastyou are beasts; beast than you! Happy April Fool's Day! 心理测试:如果你和狗熊赛跑,你希望:1你跑得快;2一样快;3你比狗熊慢…答案:1你比禽兽还禽兽;2你就是禽兽;3你禽兽不如!愚人节快乐!搞笑祝福语 11.I love your smile, your face, and your eyes Damn, I’m good at telling lies! 我爱你的明眸,你的脸庞,你的微笑, 妈的,我真是说谎不打草稿! 12.I see your face when I am dreaming. That’s why I always wake up screaming. 你的容颜依稀入梦境, 于是我在尖叫中惊醒。整人短信 13.Kind, intelligent, loving and hot; This describes everything you are not. 善良、聪慧、多情而性感, 可惜这些你一条都不占。 14.Notice: AprilFool's Day approaching, on April 1 you receive text messages are bogus, meaning exactly opposite, please pay attention. Following is the first: You are handsome styles Yushulinfeng beauty of the blossoming devilbuild lover! 通告:愚人节来临,4月1 日您收到的短信均为假的,意思正好截然相反,敬请留意。以下是第一条:您是英俊潇洒玉树临风貌美如花魔鬼身材的大众情人! 15.yesterday I dreamed of you really the sky is so Mingjing sunshine is so beautiful the sea is so boundless you stand on the blue sea I take small stick a poke you hey this is small bastard case is quite hard. 昨天我梦见你了真的天空是那么明静阳光是那么明媚大海是那么一望无垠你站在蔚蓝的海边我拿小棍一*嘿这小王八壳还挺硬! 【第三篇】 1.kind, intelligent, loving and hot; this describes everything you are not. 善良、聪慧、多情而性感, 可惜这些你一条都不占。 2.If you look ugly, call 110 if you build well, call 120 if you temper bad, call 119 if you feel beautiful, call my cell phone and elaborated…… 如果你长得难看,请打110;如果你身材不好,请打120;如果你脾气不好,请打119;如果你觉得自己漂亮,请打我手机,详谈…… 3.notice: aprilfool's day approaching, on april 1 you receive text messages are bogus, meaning exactly opposite, please pay attention. following is the first: you are handsome styles yushulinfeng beauty of the blossoming devilbuild lover! 通告:愚人节来临,4月1 日您收到的短信均为假的,意思正好截然相反,敬请留意。以下是第一条:您是英俊潇洒玉树临风貌美如花魔鬼身材的大众情人! 4.Notice: April Fool's Day approaching on April 1 you receive text messages are bogus meaning exactly opposite please pay attention. Following is the first: You are handsome styles Yushulinfeng beauty of the blossoming devil build lover! 通告:愚人节来临,4月1日您收到的短信均为假的,意思正好截然相反,敬请留意。以下是第一条:您是英俊潇洒玉树临风貌美如花魔鬼身材的大众情人! 5.Psychological test: If you and the coward race, you want to: 1 you run fast; as fast; you coward slower than… answer: you than beasts also a beast; you are beasts; beast than you! Happy April Fool's Day! 心理测试:如果你和狗熊赛跑,你希望:1你跑得快;2一样快;3你比狗熊慢。答案:1你比禽兽还禽兽;2你就是禽兽;3你禽兽不如!愚人节快乐! 6.In my eyes, you will always be looked carefree, and eating with relish is always, sleep is always Hanran sleep…… I really envy you know, Oh! Sometimes think, as you do so pigs are very good! 在我眼里,你看上去永远是无忧无虑,吃饭永远是津津有味,睡觉永远是酣然入睡……我真羡慕你呀,唉!有时候想想,像你那样做头猪也挺好的! 7.after dinner seven commandment: i quit smoking, quit immediatelyeat two fruits, three ring relaxedbelt, the four immediately quit drinking, wujiebaibu walk, bathe immediately quit six, seven quit immediately to sleep! journey: remember? 饭后七戒:一戒吸烟,二戒马上吃水果,三戒放松裤带,四戒立即喝茶,五戒百步走,六戒立即洗澡,七戒立即睡觉!八戒:记住了吗? 8.some people see you today, you still as charming, wearing a checked vest, manyouyou to walk, a detached look comfortable, it is lovely to that. you really do not know how that is saiguo rabbit? 今天有人看见你了,你还是那样迷人,穿着格子背心,慢悠悠地走着,一副超然自在的样子,实在是可爱极了。真不知你当年是怎么赛过兔子的? 9.shaceng said: i have 16 change! journey said: i have 32 change! wukong said: i am 72 changed! in his tang seng: nishi on the treatment, you change a phone call, i saw how other people look at monsters with phone messages? happy april fool's day! 沙僧说:我有16变!八戒说:我有32变!悟空说:我有72变!唐僧大怒:西天路上也没见你们变个电话,看人家妖怪都拿手机看短信呢!愚人节快乐! 10.Because you, I believe in fate, perhaps all this are doomed to heaven, having a Mianmianzhizhong traction. Now I want to say is that I Shangbeizi--what is built Nie ah? ! 因为你,我相信命运的安排,也许这一切都是上天注定,冥冥之中牵引着我俩。现在的我想说的是——我上辈子是造了什么孽啊?! 11.Psychological test: If you and the coward race you want to: 1 you run fast; as fast; you coward slower than… answer: you than beasts also a beast; you are beasts; beast than you! Happy April Fool's Day! 心理测试:如果你和狗熊赛跑,你希望:1你跑得快;2一样快;3你比狗熊慢…答案:1你比禽兽还禽兽;2你就是禽兽;3你禽兽不如!愚人节快乐! 12.an urgent reminder: look at your left and then look at your right. Please be careful just slipped out of a mental illness his features are: holding a mobile phone look around.紧急提醒:看看你的左边再看看你的右边。请小心一个刚溜出来的精神病他的特征是:拿着手机东张西望。 13. want to with you to see the sea but can not grasp the unfathomable future; think and you go mountain climbing is full to the ideal of the vacant; think and you to drift but not the happy heaven; want to go shopping with you has been the police refused he said: don't walk a dog! 想和你去看海却掌握不住莫测的未来;想和你去登山却布满对理想的茫然;想和你去飘流却到不了幸福的天堂;想和你逛街却得到警察拒绝他说:不许遛狗! 14. the first sight to see you I said to myself: you are my life to strive for the goal I want to pursue you I want to hug you. I want to announce: I love you......... 第一眼见到你我就对自己说:你就是我今生要奋斗的目标我要追求你我要拥抱你。我要公布:我爱你………人民币! 15. do you have a TV? Look at CCTV1 the White House was bombed the whole building collapsed the police have closed down the entire Washington 1 people were killed and 32 injured people lost... 1 people cheated! 你那里有电视吗?快看CCTV1美国白宫被炸了整栋楼全塌了警方已经关闭了整个华盛顿1人死亡32人受伤人失落。。。1人受骗! 16. do not move! Robbery! All hands up! Men stand on the left the woman stood on the right abnormal station in the middle hey! Said is you but also installed to see the phone! 不许动!抢劫!全部举起手来!男的站左边女的站右边反常的站中间哎!说的就是你还装着看手机!
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