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hope your halloween is masked with spooky fun ... just as mine.

thank you for making my cauldrons full of fun! happy halloween!

your smile lights up our world! wishing you a halloween bright and glowing as you are!

my halloween's happy when i freak out with you! happy halloween to you ...my friend!

it's hell lot of fun when i'm with you! happy halloween to you!

thank you for your very special wish. happy halloween!

thank you for making my halloween so special.

hope your halloween is masked with spooky fun ... just as mine.

 thank you for your very special wish. happy halloween!

 your smile lights up our world! wishing you a halloween bright and glowing as you are!

 hope your halloween is masked with spooky fun ... just as mine.

 thank you for making my halloween so special.

thank you for making my cauldrons full of fun! happy halloween!

my halloween's happy when i freak out with you! happy halloween to you ...my friend!

it's hell lot of fun when i'm with you! happy halloween to you!

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